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Welcome to Technology!
Learning Target:
Today I will learn the computer lab procedures.
Using technology vocabulary ( mouse, monitor, keyboard)
So that I can take care of my computer and learn new things
I'll know I've got it when I can follow classroom procedures and click on links to access lesson activities.
How Should I enter the classroom?
1. Enter the classroom quietly
How do I treat my computer?
2. Use clean hands
3. Treat mouse and keyboard
How do I stay safe online?
4. Only visit assigned website
5. Don't click on adds
How should I behave?
Be Respectful: Your manners count!
Be Safe: Not just you, for others around you.
Be Tremendous: In everything you do
Be Responsible: for your words and actions
Be a Leader: Show what you know; help others with your words, not their mouse
Be Creative: Color outside the lines
Be Curious: Ask questions, Dig Deeper, Learn something new!
Fun Activities...
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