Fall Story
Today I will write and illustrate a Halloween or Fall story.
Using complete sentences.
So that I can use technology to be creative and communicate
I'll know I've got it when I can write a fall story and draw a picture to go with it.
Practice finding and using the keys that are circled. Then write a Fall story. Draw a picture to go with your story.
Can you name these keys?
Enter key - use when double-click doesn't work to open an icon
Backspace key - deletes to the left, one character at a time
Delete key - deletes to the right, one character at a time
Space bar - use to put a space between words, after commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points.
Shift key - hold down to make a capital letter
Caps Lock - press to turn off if shift key doesn't work to make a capital letter
Escape key - use to exit full screen when watching a video (the get me out-of-here key)
Tab - use to indent a paragraph or move between cells in a spreadsheet