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6th Grade- Keyboarding

Learning Target:

  • Today I will practice typing with good posture and finger position

  • Using academic vocabulary (wpm, accuracy, home row)

  • So I can type automatically and free my brain to focus on what I want to say

  • I'll know I've got it when I can sit up straight, press keys with correct fingers, return fingers to home row, and keep my eyes on the screen.

For the first 10 minutes of every class you will practice your keyboarding skills and build stamina. After keyboarding you will go directly to your assigned lesson.


  • Sit up straight and tall

  • Fingers on home row curved like a cat (cat claws not dog paws)

  • Press keys with the correct fingers

  • Fingers always return to the home row

  • Try to keep your eyes on the screen.

Can you name these keys?

  • Enter key - use when double-click doesn't work to open an icon

  • Backspace key - deletes to the left, one character at a time

  • Delete key - deletes to the right, one character at a time

  • Space bar - use to put a space between words, after commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points.

  • Shift key - hold down to make a capital letter

  • Caps Lock - press to turn off if shift key doesn't work to make a capital letter

  • Escape key - use to exit full screen when watching a video (the get me out-of-here key)

  • Tab - use to indent a paragraph or move between cells in a spreadsheet

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