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6th Grade- Animate Yourself

Learning Target:

  • Today I will create an animated gif that expresses my true personality

  • Using academic vocabulary and complete sentences.

  • So that I can be creative and express myself using digital tools and stay safe online.

  • I'll know I've got it when I can explain in writing how my choices express my personality.

Hi, my name is Mrs. Haupt.  My animated gif reflects myself because I love listening to music and dancing.  I am wearing headphone so i can listen to my music which is stored on my phone.  I am wearing a scarf because I am always cold and like to wear warm clothes.  

  • Go to to create an animated gif of yourself.

  • Try to impress in animation and color with all of the options available to you, your true animated self.

  • Only use your first name when you name your gif.

  • Save the image to your Google Drive and insert it in a new document.

  • Complete your document by writing a paragraph that explains why you chose each item for your animated gif and how your choices express your personality. 

  • Have fun, be creative, and save your creation before the end of the period!

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