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Keyboarding Basics - Lesson 1

Learning Target:

  • Today I will practice finding keys on the keyboard

  • Using academic vocabulary (hover, scroll, enter, Google Chrome, track pad, volume)

  • So that I can begin to type sentences and paragraphs.

  • I'll know I've got it when I can use two hands and quickly find the keys on the keyboard.



Do these activities first.

Can you name these keys?

  • Enter key - use when double-click doesn't work to open an icon

  • Backspace key - deletes to the left, one character at a time

  • Delete key - deletes to the right, one character at a time

  • Space bar - use to put a space between words, after commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points.

  • Shift key - hold down to make a capital letter

  • Caps Lock - press to turn off if shift key doesn't work to make a capital letter

  • Escape key - use to exit full screen when watching a video (the get me out-of-here key)

  • Tab - use to indent a paragraph or move between cells in a spreadsheet


  • Sit up straight and tall

  • Fingers on home row curved like a cat (cat claws not dog paws)

  • Press keys with the correct fingers

  • Fingers always return to the home row

  • Try to keep your eyes on the screen.

Now Practice..

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  • Go to Google Class and work on your keyboard foundation skills

After you practice you may go to anyone of these websites...

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