Fall Story - 3rd Grade
How can I communicate information and ideas effectively?
Learning Target Day 1:
Today I will write and edit a Fall story in Google Docs.
Using technology vocabulary (tab, delete, right-click, cursor, red squiggly lines, select, click and drag)
So that I can use a computer to communicate ideas with words.
I'll know I've got it when my story has a beginning, middle, and end; I can clear red squiggles to correct spelling.
Learning Target Day 2:
Today I will change the font size, style and color and add images to my story
Using technology vocabulary (font, style, image, insert, right-click, re-size, handles)
So that I can use a computer to communicate ideas with words and pictures.
I'll know I've got it when my story has a title; I can change the font colors, size and styles on 3 words; I can add and re-size 3 pictures; My story fits on one page; I can print my work.